At NV Pets Sales & Marketing, we're dedicated to helping startups in the pet industry turn their dreams into reality. We offer expert consultation services tailored specifically to pet-related businesses. Our specialization lies in natural pet consumables and products with a purpose, and we're passionate about promoting innovation in this niche..

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to discovering and launching new and innovative pet products. If your product aligns with our values of sustainability, quality, and purpose, you’re in the right place.

Our unique skill set enables us to efficiently bring your products to the marketplace. We understand the challenges of gaining traction in the competitive pet industry and the importance of securing the right distributors and retailers. With our extensive industry knowledge and a wide network of connections, we are confident that we can point you in the right direction, we have already helped over 25 companies since starting our consultation services.

At NV Pets Sales & Marketing, we don’t just offer services; we offer partnerships. We’re here to champion your product, share your vision, and help you navigate the intricacies of the pet industry. Together, we’ll transform your innovative product ideas into thriving businesses.

Join us on this exciting journey of growth, success, and impact in the world of pet products. Contact us today to explore how we can collaborate and launch your innovative product to the world. Your product’s success is our mission.


What we offer

Three 1 hour consultation sessions Before the first session we will request information from you to help familiarize us with your product, target market, and goals. This will allow us to tailor our advice and recommendations more effectively.

Session 1: Product Development and Marketing

We will critique you product line and packaging. We will discuss product design, features, and functionality, as well as packaging and branding considerations. We will help you create a marketing plan, including online and offline strategies, social media presence, influencer marketing, and public relations.

Session 2: Business Planning and Strategy

During the second session, we will focus on helping you develop a solid business plan and strategy. We will discuss market research, target audience identification, and positioning. We will help you define your unique selling proposition and set realistic goals for growth and profitability.

Session 3: Operations and Growth Strategies

In the final session, we will address operational aspects. Such as supply chain management, inventory control, and distribution channels. Discuss pricing strategies, financial planning, and budgeting. We will help you develop a customer acquisition and retention plan, and provide guidance on scaling the business as it grows.